tirsdag 15. september 2009

There are as you know a lot of reasons for dogs to start barking.

Your dog may bark as a warning that your home is to be broken into or to let you know of the approach of a stranger. Dog barking is besides used to get attention or to intimidate the owner or other people near the dog. Whatever the explanation for the barking is, we can all agree that it can be very irritating behavior, and solutions need to be found to stop dogs barking right away. Owners of constantly barking dogs are occasionally charged with unsettling the harmony and peace. Luckily, there are several ways to stop dogs from unwanted barking.

Training your dog when it is appropriate for him to bark is probably the most excellent way to stop unwanted dogs barking. Of course there are numerals of methods; the best way is perhaps the rewarding way.

Electronic collars give the dog a ultrasonic sound. Not all dogs associate their barking with this a little uncomfortable method. They will just understand to tolerate the shock and instead carry on with their barking. In addition, if the collar itself does not come into contact with the dog's skin, a dog with a sizeable coat will not feel anything. It should be mentioned that simply using an electronic collar for training will almost never stop dogs barking. For getting best results, dog obedience training is actually needed.

A number of folks are of the belief that electronic collars may possibly discourage dogs. People who think this often use citronella oil collars with a similar effect as ultrasonic blast collars. A citronella oil collar gives out a mist once the dog barks. As dogs have a tendency to not like the smell, they will start to associate their barking with the foul smell and will stop barking for a while. The success rate is about the same as for electronic collars.

Although electronic collars can be useful in training, most vets and dog trainers feel that they cannot be used as a replacement for the helpful obedience training you can do yourself. Dog obedience training helps to solve more dog behavior issues than merely dog barking alone.

I hope you now can see that good dog obedience training is very important to stop dogs barking and for many different and important dog behavior issues. A dog that is given obedience training will understand when the right times are to use barking.

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